Our New Website

As you can see, we’ve re-launched our neighborhood website, and have made a few changes.

Before I go on, here’s a shout-out to Ted Mittler who created and maintained the site for years. I copied most of the information on the current site from Ted’s original. Thanks from the neighborhood, Ted.

What is new?

So what’s new? First, I’ve applied a template that will reorganize the contents based on your device. If you access the site with a phone or a tablet, the template will shift everything around so you can navigate more intuitively.

Next, the site now has a blog, with the latest news about real-estate for sale, town meetings, new neighbors and other points of interest. Everyone in the neighborhood will get an email when we have new blog posts. My goal is to have one post per week.

What if you have some news to share?

Currently, if you want to send out to information to the neighborhood, you can either develop your own email mailing list, or send a message to board secretary Molly Gareis at [email protected] who will make sure the message is appropriate before forwarding it to the neighborhood. That works well for small bits of information, such as the next collection date for the food pantry, or notifying people when a tree falls across the road.

If, however, you want to write something longer, such as an introduction to a new neighbor, a lesson on getting rid of peony measles, or perhaps a review of a good book you’ve read recently, you can contact me (Kelly Shaw) at [email protected] and I will schedule a time for you to be a guest blogger on our community forum.

Yes, there are peony measles. Yes, this is what they look like. Yes, this is a photo from my front garden.

What is the same?

Pretty much everything Ted put into the prior website is still there. The only difference is a bit of reorganization, and the neighborhood directory and map are now password protected. We’re currently working out how to get the password to everyone securely.

Has anything been removed?

Um, well…yes.🤨

I removed the contractor recommendation application. Ted mentioned that there were problems keeping the information up-to-date. Additionally, there were complaints that some of the contractors did not live up to their recommendation. The board discussed the issue and decided there are enough other avenues for contractor recommendations in Williamsburg. We don’t need to try to maintain another.

The take-away?

In the end, this website and the community blog is an experiment. The board needs to know how you use the website, if at all, and how we can improve communications from the board to the membership, the membership to the board, and neighbor to neighbor. Please take the time to click around the site. If you have a suggestion, please post a comment below.

Regards, and best to all of our Burns Lane neighbors,

Kelly Shaw

BLRA Webmaster


  1. Charlene Grabowski

    Thank you Kelly as a new neighbor this is incredible. Anne and I are so delighted to be a part of this community.
    Thank you for your patience with all of the contractor traffic. We hope moving in full time in September.

    • Thank you for the kind words. The thing about contractor traffic is that it (usually) eventually ends, so no worries. And welcome to the neighborhood.

  2. Chris Gareis

    I have always been grateful for the development and upkeep of the original neighborhood website by Ted. It long served as an important resource to the entire neighborhood, and I am thrilled now to see how Kelly has taken that and developed the new site! The landing page, navigation features, content, and appearance are all excellent! Our neighborhood continues to evolve in exciting and important ways! Thank you!

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